Childcare costs

Twee vrouwen houden baby vast
Compananny Kinderopvang Kosten Berekenen Rekentool

What does child care cost per month? Use our calculation tool!

We use a fixed hourly rate per service. The costs are calculated per month based on the number of days that your childcare is purchased.

Using our calculation Tool, you can calculate (anonymously) what the gross and net costs of childcare will be and hence the amount of childcare benefit you are entitled to. Always select the desired location within the calculator tool, since the costs may vary by branch. The gross hourly rates are also given on the location pages of the branches.

Hourly rate for childcare

Childcare costs can vary by family and situation. Fortunately, most parents in the Netherlands are entitled to childcare allowance. How much allowance you receive and how much you ultimately pay yourself depends on several factors, such as the number of childcare hours per month, the hourly rate of the nursery and the family income.

Our rates always include (bottle) feeding, nappies, care products, a daily hot organic lunch and fun outings. For Nursery you always pay 11 hours per day, from 07.30-18.30. For Kindergarten you pay 4 or 5 hours a day, depending on the opening hours. For After-School Care you pay for the hours after school until closing time (18.30). If you make use of our extended childcare (between 18.30 and 19.00), this time will be billed afterwards.

Should you need extra care hours, these hours will be billed after the extra care has actually taken place. You are also entitled to childcare allowance for extra hours.

Compananny Kinderopvang Kosten Kinderopvang Inbegrepen
Compananny Kinderopvang Kosten Kinderopvangtoeslag

Applying for childcare allowance

You can easily apply for childcare allowance online via using your DigiD. Make sure you do this within three months after your child starts attending childcare for the first time. This way you avoid missing out on part of the allowance. At CompaNanny we are always ready to help you with questions and support with the application.

Entitlement to childcare allowance

The government provides childcare allowance to parents with one or more children attending childcare. This allowance is similar to healthcare or rent allowance and compensates part of the costs. The following applies to CompaNanny:

  • An allowance for 230 hours of childcare per month, depending on the number of contract hours worked by the least working partner. For childcare, 140% of the contract hours worked is reimbursed, with a maximum of 230 hours per month per child. For Extracurricular Care (BSO), 70% of contract hours worked is reimbursed in number of childcare hours.
  • A maximum hourly rate of €9.12 for day-care centres and €7.85 for BSO. If the hourly rate of your facility is higher, you will not receive a supplement over the remaining part.
  • Your contribution depends on your income and the number of children attending childcare.
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What are the costs for childcare?

How can I calculate my costs?

Do I get a discount for a second or subsequent child?

Am I entitled to childcare allowance?

Can I have the childcare allowance transferred to CompaNanny directly?