
Baby ligt op de grond met bal in hand

Why daycare at Compananny?

CompaNanny's Daycare (KDV) is for children from approximately 3 months to 4 years old. At CompaNanny we have horizontal groups, so that we can offer activities based on age and the development of the child. Children aged 0-2 years play in our baby group where they have the space to play and discover. Children aged 2-4 years go to the toddler group, where they learn to take responsibility, play together and share.

Our Daycare Centres are open until 6:30 PM, with the option to extend until 7:00 PM. Of course there is also a Parent Portal for parents. You can easily and quickly report or request any administrative changes in the Parent Portal. But you can also view fun photos and get an impression of your child's activities at CompaNanny.

A fixed daily routine

A fixed daily rhythm provides young children with clarity, confidence and relaxation. By also naming moments and transitions during the day, they know where they stand. This makes your child feel less overwhelmed and allows them to prepare for the (next) moment of the day at their own pace. Within the daily rhythm, we always pay close attention to the individual needs of each child.

At the Daycare, we have different themes that are recognisable to the children. Think of the different seasons, professions, holidays, family. We do different activities and sing songs that fit the theme of the moment.


Compananny Kinderopvang Kinderdagverblijf Baby Wiegje

A day at our Daycare 

  • 07.30-9.30 AM
    Start the day well. The children are brought and we start quietly. Depending on whether they have already eaten at home, the youngest ones go to sleep in the cradle or are given a bottle or fruit snack on their lap. The older children sit together at the table to eat fruit and drink water or tea.

  • 09.30-10.00 AM
    Time to snuggle down to sleep or play. After dinner the youngest go to bed. Each group has its own bedroom in which the children have their own bed. The older children who no longer need as much sleep can now play outside or do an activity.

  • 10.00-11.00 AM 
    In the circle! During this cosy moment, we talk about different themes (animals, music, going to school, etc.) and what we are going to do today.

  • 11.00-12.00 AM
    Playing freely. After the circle, we do an activity appropriate to that month's theme and your child can play freely. And because play and outdoor activities are very important to us, we go outside in our own garden every day.

  • 12.00-13.00 PM
    Lunch time! For all children aged 9 months and older, CompaNanny serves a warm, fresh lunch in the group with almost only organic products. Lunch is eaten at the table in small groups.

  • 13.00-15.00 PM
    Relax. The children often play for a while after lunch until they are put to bed. In the meantime, the childcare staff clean up and rearrange the group. So when the children wake up, they find themselves in a different setup and can discover new things.

  • 15.00-16.00 PM
    In the afternoon we sit at the table in small groups and eat raw vegetables, crackers or yogurt and drink a glass of water or tea. A song is sung to make the meal moment recognizable for the children.

  • 16.00-18.30 PM
    Everyone often goes outside around this time to play in the garden. This is when most parents come to pick up their child and our employees tell them about the day at CompaNanny.
Compananny Kinderopvang Kinderdagverblijf Baby Medewerker

Our working method at the Daycare 

Our daycare centre is all about developing at your own pace. We work in the groups every day on the basis of a well-thought-out pedagogical policy that we have developed ourselves. A mindful working method where child needs, conscious attention, indoor and outdoor playing materials and our seven pegagogical values are central.

Werken Bij Compananny Collega Geel


Pedagogical Expert

There is no shortage of happy moments.  I experience every leap or step of a child and I really contribute to the growth process!

Our employees at the Daycare

A close-knit team of well-trained Employees works at the branches together with the branch management and the Housekeeping staff. Together they create high-quality childcare, a second home for your child. As a parent you will have the most contact with the Pedagogical Employees, but you will also meet other employees at the branch. They are responsible for all preconditions at the location and ensure that our Pegagogical Employees can give all their attention to the children.

Compananny Kinderopvang Waarom Compananny Onze Mensen Spelen Aan Tafel
Compananny Kinderopvang Kinderdagverblijf Peuter Klimmen

Daycare costs

At CompaNanny we aim to provide the best care for your child and support you as a parent. With our clear rates, calculation tool and assistance in applying for childcare allowance, we support you in understanding the costs and help you make the right choices.
Would you like more information on childcare costs and applying for childcare allowance? Please visit our childcare costs page.

For how many weeks per year do you provide childcare?

Do you offer flexible contracts?

Do you offer bilingual childcare?

How can I register my child?

Compananny Kinderopvang Kinderdagverblijf Baby Pikler Driehoek

Find a Branch

Check our location page to find a branch with Daycare near you.